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Week Day/End


Printed Book



In society, women are pressured into believing that they myst be beautiful. They're pressured into thinking that they must be super thing, that they must have perfect hair and have to look great in order to catch they eyes of men. We see it on television, in the movies, in magazines and in the actresses society idolizes.


For women, the pressure is always on to look beautiful. They read magazines to discover how they should look. They take cues from the thin models on how they should wear their hair, and what clothes they need to buy to look in style. They buy makeup advertised so that they can look just like the model on the cover. But what people don't see at first glance are the professional hair stylists and makeup artists and ten other people to make them look so "perfect".


Being a girl and currently living with five boys, I've noticed the difference in concerns men and women have when getting ready to go out. I decided to do a study that compares two things: what people wear on a weekday and what they wear on the weekends and then comparing the differences between how women change to how men change.


I took two photos of each person. One in the middle of the week after going through a day of class, work and studying. I took the photos under bright and harsh lighting to enhance the look of stress that college students are put under during the week. The second set of photos was taken right before everyone was leaving to go out to the bar on Saturday night. I made the light warmer and softer and edited the photos in Photoshop to give the look of a fashion editorial seen in women's magazines.


The outcome of the series should present the viewer with a compare and contrast not only how an individual changes throughout the week, in differet social settings, but also how women change compared to men.

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